Artist Statement
My work is constantly evolving in the subject matter I depict and in my process. I have used representative subject matter in surreal or warped manners, as a way of extracting and presenting how I experience the world.
Recently, my work prioritizes process based abstraction with less of an emphasis on representation subject matter. I am interested in building language through shape, form, space, and color. Currently, my process values communicating with each individual piece and building a relationship on a foundation of understanding, care, and exploration. I acknowledge myself as the brain and the hand behind my work, but recognize that each piece has a language and system of function that it taught me.
My main medium is acrylic painting on plexiglass, found objects, or hard surfaces. I use bright color pallets and both natural and geometric abstract forms. My process relies on building and layering color. By doing so, I am able to find and create shapes through subtractive and additive layers. When painting, I am constantly reflecting and learning through my process. Because my work is detailed and requires considerable time to build desired opacity, I am forced to digest each step and what I want to do next. This allows me to put extreme care and thought in how I treat each layer as an individual and as a function to the whole.